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Finding the Right Customer on LinkedIn – 5 Steps to Create a Buyer Persona

March 14, 2023 by admin

When you create a buyer persona for your real estate business, it is like having a GPS that can guide you right to your ideal customers. Just like a GPS helps you navigate to your destination by providing you with the best route, understanding your buyer persona’s demographics and preferences can help you navigate your marketing efforts, and provide personalized communication. This will lead to a better customer experience and increased ROI. So, let’s create that buyer persona and start hitting the right buttons to reach those dream clients!

But first, let’s understand the importance of creating a buyer’s persona for your real estate business.

What is a Buyer Persona?

A buyer persona is a fictitious depiction of your ideal client that is based on facts about your current customers and market research. It contains an in-depth analysis of your target market’s characteristics, habits, passions, problems, and objectives. By developing buyer personas, you can better understand your clients, target their market, and develop goods and services that cater to their needs. Age, gender, job title, income, education, family status, interests, preferred methods of communication, difficulties, objectives, and purchasing patterns are just a few examples of information that can be included in a customer persona. You can enhance engagement and conversion rates by establishing buyer personas to better understand prospective clients. These personas can then be used to adapt marketing and sales efforts in your real estate business.

Why Is a Buyer Persona Important?

  • Targeted Marketing: This identifies your ideal customers and provides marketing messages and content that is specifically targeted to their requirements and interests. By enhancing engagement and conversions, this helps to increase the relevance and efficacy of your marketing initiatives.
  • Improve Customer Understanding: By creating a persona, you gain a greater grasp of your customer’s pain points, objectives, and motivations of your prospects. This information can assist you in knowing how you can solve their problems, and allows for better customization of your goods and services. Furthermore, it drives customer loyalty.
  • Increase Engagement: Increase engagement and forge closer bonds with customers by tailoring content and messaging to buyer profiles. It can show that you understand your client’s demands and provide value beyond the sale by offering targeted and pertinent information.
  • Better Sales Alignment: By giving sales and marketing teams a shared understanding of target clients, buyer persona creation can aid in team alignment. As both teams are pursuing the same objective, this can result in more fruitful sales interactions and better outcomes.
  • Improve Return on Investment (ROI): You can increase the return on investment (ROI) by cutting down on lost resources spent on marketing to the incorrect audience, and concentrating marketing efforts on ideal clients. This can boost your overall income and profitability by concentrating your efforts on the customers who are most likely to interact and buy.

LinkedIn’s Features for Developing Accurate Buyer Personas

LinkedIn offers a range of features that can help businesses build accurate buyer personas. Here are some LinkedIn features that can help build buyer personas.

  • Advanced Search: You can filter potential clients using LinkedIn’s Advanced Search option according to particular factors like job title, geography, industry, and firm size. This can help you recognize the types of people who are likely to be interested in your properties or services.
  • LinkedIn Groups: Joining and engaging in LinkedIn Groups that are relevant to the real estate industry can help you better understand the needs and pain points of your target audience. You can also gain insights into their interests, preferences, and challenges.
  • Company Pages: A wealth of information about businesses is available on LinkedIn Company Pages, such as their mission statement, goods or services, size, and location. You can use this information to find businesses that could be interested in your offerings.
  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator: With the help of LinkedIn Sales Navigator, you can find new clients, monitor their LinkedIn activity, and communicate with them in a tailored manner. With this tool, you can get an idea of your target audience’s habits and preferences.
  • LinkedIn Analytics: LinkedIn Analytics provides valuable insights into the performance of your content and the demographics of your audience. with this this data, you will know the types of people who are engaging with your content and adjust your messaging accordingly.

5 Steps to Create your Buyer Persona

The process of developing a buyer persona must be ongoing and refined as your company and client base develop. Revisiting and updating it on a regular basis helps you to stay informed of your costumer’s wants, and makes sure that your marketing and sales activities continue to be successful.

Here are the 5 steps to create your perfect buyer persona.

Step 1: Conduct Market Research

Creating a buyer persona requires conducting market research as a necessary first step. To learn more about the demographics, behaviors, and demands of your current and potential consumers, data about them must be gathered. When performing market research for your buyer persona, keep the following points in mind:

  • Demographics: Begin by compiling general information about your clients, such as age, gender, degree of education, kind of employment, and income range. This can help you gain a comprehensive picture of your clients’ identities and typical traits.
  • Behavior: In order to understand how your customers interact with your business, look at their behavior. The kinds of properties or services they acquire, their purchasing patterns, and their preferred communication methods could all be considered.
  • Pain Points: Determine the difficulties and pain points your clients encounter when attempting to accomplish their objectives. You can create products or services that better satisfy their demands by understanding their problems.
  • Objectives and Motivations: To better identify what motivates your customers to make purchases, learn about their goals and motivations. You may use this information to further adapt your messaging and content to meet their demands.

Step 2: Identify Common Themes

Once you have gathered information from your customers and prospects, finding similar patterns in the data is the next step in developing a buyer persona. In order to do this, you must examine the data you have gathered and seek for key trends and characteristics within your target market. You can build unique client groups that have similar requirements and preferences by grouping similar traits and behaviors.

For instance, if you work as a real estate agent, you might observe that some of your clients are interested in purchasing enormous homes in the suburbs, while others are interested in compact condos in the cities. You can develop unique buyer personas that represent each segment by classifying buyers based on shared traits.

Creating accurate and useful customer personas requires seeing common trends in your data. Similar clients can be grouped together to develop content and marketing messages that are specifically tailored to their requirements and interests. Better engagement, higher ROI, and more individualized customer experiences can result from this.

Step 3: Create a Profile

Creating a buyer persona requires you to first identify unique client segments based on recurring patterns in your data. The next step is to create a thorough profile for each section. By doing this, you may pull up a detailed overview of each consumer segment’s traits, requirements, and preferences to direct your marketing and sales activities.

Consider including the following details in your client profile creation:

  • Socio-economics: Includes location, age group, gender, education level, income level, job titles or field of industry, and marital status
  • Personality Traits: Examine the personality qualities that are shared by the segment’s participants. Are they extroverted, reserved, creative, or analytical? Do they favor social media, the phone, or email for communication?
  • Favorite Websites: What kind of websites do they usually visit and what contents are they interested in?
  • Buying Motivation: What motivates them to buy properties and what are the challenges that they face?
  • Buying Habits: Consider the behavior patterns of the segment, such as how they typically make purchasing decisions and how often they interact with your business.

Step 4: Give Your Persona a Name

“Give Your Persona a Name” is a marketing strategy that involves giving your target audience a name to make them feel more like real people. You can readily put yourself in their shoes and foresee their needs and preferences by developing a persona that feels more real. This can then assist you in developing marketing messages that connect with your target market and, eventually, increase sales and revenue for your company.

Carefully choose a stock photo to create a visual depiction of your ideal customer while developing a buyer persona. It should accurately portray your ideal client.

Making more informed choices about how to promote to your target demographic will be made easier with the help of this.

Step 5: Test and Refine

Once you have created your buyer persona, test it against real-world data and refine it as necessary. Use customer feedback to adjust your persona and ensure it accurately reflects your target audience!


LinkedIn offers a range of features that can help you build accurate buyer personas. Leveraging these features can get you a better picture of your target audience and develop effective marketing strategies.

Buyer personas make it possible for you to tailor your service to the needs of the clients who matter the most to the success of your business, by taking away all of the unknowns. Creating detailed buyer personas will enable you to develop targeted messaging and content, improve engagement and loyalty, and ultimately improve your ROI.

About Max Fisch, President of Real Estate Project Solutions

Max started out as a mortgage originator in the early 2000s, primarily based out of the Philadelphia market, and over the years has completed hundreds of real estate transactions between financing, wholesaling acquisition, rehabbing, and long-term investing. He is the founder and president of Real Estate Project Solutions, which is fully dedicated to delivering stellar digital marketing and lead generation services to real estate entrepreneurs, enabling them to scale and realize massive profit.

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