The REPS Blog

Real Estate CRM Software for 2023: The Key to Building Strong Client Relationship

It’s very easy to get lost in the chaos of the real estate industry when there is an endless list of things to manage. Every day, real estate professionals need to make and receive phone calls, emails, and text messages from clients and prospects. Plus, they need to be physically present for appointments, home viewing, […]

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Solving the Real Estate Puzzle: Real Estate Solutions for Real Estate Professionals

Real estate refers to the land and other physical assets that are permanently attached to it naturally, like trees or man-made structures like buildings, and are used for various purposes. This could be residential homes, commercial spaces, or agricultural lands. The term “real” in real estate is used to distinguish it from personal property, or […]

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Property Management Solutions: The Role of Property Management Virtual Assistant

As businesses evolve and adapt to changing circumstances, companies recognize the advantages of outsourcing jobs traditionally done in-house or on-site. The real estate industry is one of the businesses that has been outsourcing their routine tasks to virtual assistants. One of these roles that a virtual assistant handles, is property management. Property management virtual assistants […]

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Lead Generation for Realtors: Our Top 8 Picks for Lead Generation Software

The ability to engage with potential clients is key for real estate businesses. And to do this, Realtors need to continuously identify individuals or groups that will express an interest in buying or selling property. This is done through lead generation. This involves strategies to reach and engage with potential clients and build a pipeline […]

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Stand Out In Real Estate: 6 Tricks For Getting Your LinkedIn Profile In Front Of Mobile Users

Since the release of the LinkedIn app in 2019, many users are now gearing towards accessing LI from their mobile phones. The primary LinkedIn functions are the same as the website platform, but the interface is different. You will see Home, My Network, Messaging, Jobs, as well as notifications, at the bottom of the screen […]

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Revolutionize Your Sales Strategy with LinkedIn Sales Navigator: A Deep Dive into the Sales Platform

Picture this: you’re a busy real estate professional who’s always juggling multiple tasks, including sales. You are aware that LinkedIn is a fantastic tool for connecting with new clients. Yet, you simply lack the time and energy to manually browse through profiles and contact leads. You need a solution that will let you quickly locate […]

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Cracking the LinkedIn Timing: 5 Tips on Finding the Best Time to Post on LinkedIn in 2023

LinkedIn is a social media site primarily created for businesses and professionals to connect, network, and share insightful content. It is one of the most extensively utilized social media sites worldwide with over 740 million users. Knowing the ideal time to upload your material is more essential than people give credit for, if you utilize […]

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Finding the Right Customer on LinkedIn – 5 Steps to Create a Buyer Persona

When you create a buyer persona for your real estate business, it is like having a GPS that can guide you right to your ideal customers. Just like a GPS helps you navigate to your destination by providing you with the best route, understanding your buyer persona’s demographics and preferences can help you navigate your […]

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How to Craft Compelling LinkedIn Connection Requests – 5 Tips That Will Help You Stand Out

LinkedIn is the largest network of professionals online today and is one of the best places to find valuable connections for your real estate business. With so many people vying for attention on the platform, it can be tough to stand out and make a lasting impression. With this in mind, it is important to […]

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